Baby Led Feeding Journey Program

Move from the overwhelm that comes with starting solids for your baby into an empowered and confident mama who feeds their baby with ease with this 3 Month Self Feeding Mastery Program:

The Baby Led Feeding Journey!

What you feed your baby NOW sets the foundation for healthy eating habits for the rest of their life and can prevent picky eating later on. That’s a big job-especially when you barely have time to feed yourself!

You know the importance of starting healthy feeding habits early, but you’re feeling SO FRUSTRATED, exhausted, and overwhelmed with all the information that’s out there.

You might already realize that feeding your baby is a part-time job which requires time and energy you don’t have.

If you’re anything like me and other moms I know you may be wondering…

  • Is my baby getting the most optimal nutrition? 
  • What foods should I start off with? Is this food safe? 
  • Won’t it cause choking? How can I introduce all the different flavors and textures?
  • How can I adapt family meals for baby?
  • How do I introduce the allergens?
  • And most importantly, how do I do all this without spending hours that I don’t have accumulating information, meal ideas and recipes, slaving away in the kitchen, etc.? 

Maybe you’ve told yourself, “okay lets try to figure this out.”

So you spend your week researching what is safe for baby to eat and collecting dozens of recipes determined to make it work.

You commit your entire Sunday to shop and meal prep-but to your disappointment none of the meals turn out as expected.

Now you have a fridge full of half used ingredients, inedible meals in the trash, and leftover ingredients which are going to get slimy in the next few days if you don’t figure out what to do with them. 

You start resenting food and haven’t found any joy in feeding you or your baby because its a BURDEN.

You feel like there HAS to be a better and faster way to make it all work!

Hear what a current Mom has to say about the program!

YouTube video

Imagine if I handed you a COMPLETE ROAD MAP that would show you through daily videos and photos of what foods and how to serve them to feed your baby AND family at the same time.

This plan would allow you TAKE BACK that precious free time and give you the FREEDOM from decision overwhelm so that you can use your free time taking care of YOU without feeling guilty!

As a mom of two, I know exactly what you are going through. I designed and followed this game plan exactly with my baby to prove its efficiency and feasibility. I did this using an iPhone camera with a toddler and a baby on my back to show that you CAN do this too!


The Baby Led Feeding Journey Program!

What you’re getting inside the Baby Led Feeding Journey Program:

  • 12+ Instructional guides showing you exactly how to use the program and answering the top baby led weaning questions and concerns (choking, allergens, using a cup, optimizing nutrition, etc.)
  • 12 WEEKS of realistic nutrient-dense meals so your baby doesn’t stay stuck eating only banana, sweet potato, and purees
  • Weekly meal plan grocery list for faster grocery shopping
  • Cooking videos of EVERY SINGLE meal so you can see exactly how to make the recipes
  • Videos showing baby’s plate for EVERY SINGLE meal so you know exactly how to serve the dishes you prepared
  • Videos of my baby eating so you can see how a baby can handle the foods and be assured they are safe to eat
  • Digital access so even grandma or other caregivers could follow this while you work or are away for a long weekend
  • Daily game plan to cut down on time spent in the kitchen
  • Process of introducing the top 9 allergens safely, seamlessly, and continuously
  • Process for introducing a variety of textures safely and easily from the start! If you’ve already started solids but having trouble moving beyond purees, this WILL equip you to move forward today!
  • Checklist of useful baby feeding gear and kitchen gadgets so you can be prepared for all things baby feeding
  • Lifetime access to the materials so you can use it again in case you have another baby 

You get to follow me along feeding my baby for 3 entire months giving you the clarity and confidence of EXACTLY  how to prepare and serve your baby’s meals!

This is seriously the closest thing to me being in your kitchen guiding you along the process! TAKE BACK that precious free time and use it to recharge yourself!

YouTube video


waiting for you

Let’s be honest mama – you are at least 6 weeks sleep deprived and may feel that you don’t even have energy to feed yourself. Where will you get the time or energy to gather what to feed your baby and family nutritiously without losing your sanity in the process?!

This will give you COMPLETE RELIEF from the panicking voice in your head that says “what are we eating? What do I need to buy this week? Is it okay for my baby to eat this?”

The BLW Journey Program is not just about following a PDF list of safe foods to feed baby.

It takes it far beyond that! The 12 weeks of meals focuses on simple, nutritious recipes that your WHOLE FAMILY can enjoy to keep cooking easy and less time consuming. You do not have to hunt down special ingredients or break the bank on your grocery bill.

YouTube video

What others are saying

“I love, love, love this program! This is my third baby, so my husband didn’t think we needed it, and I was on the fence about purchasing it for a while. But I was stuck in a food rut with my older 2, wanted more food variety and didn’t know where to start or how to change things with my new baby. So I took the plunge and went for it! And oh my goodness, I am so glad I did! We’re only on week 4, but It has already changed our mealtimes and worth every penny! I love that everything is laid out and organized by weeks. All the planning is already done for me, so I don’t have to stress about anything! The videos posted of food prep are so helpful and make it easy to cook without second guessing how to cut foods safely for baby!

I just wish this was around with my first baby!! Thank you Min for creating this program. I can honestly tell how much love and thought was poured into it. (My husband thanks you too!!).
Mom of three
“As a mom of two young children I’m always busy and looking for ways to save time. Ensuring good eating habits and offering a variety of quality foods to my family is a priority. By purchasing Min’s plan I saved myself a lot of time planning my daughter’s meals and I saved on groceries since everything is well-planned and SO detailed. No more waste! I love that a lot of recipes are great for the whole family so that I don’t have to make different meals for the baby and the rest of the family. It saves a lot of time. She also offers a variety of very useful tools. We’re starting the 5th week of the program and I absolutely LOVE it so far. My daughter is enjoying her journey. I recommend it without hesitation. It’s totally worth the price.”
Christine Lemieux
Mom of two
“This 3 month program was perfection. As an exhausted mom I was so tapped out on making decisions. I was craving someone to tell me what to do (what to shop for/ what to make). I needed support and guidance when it came to cooking healthy meals for not just my baby, but my entire family on a consistent basis. Min steered me in the right direction every step of the way. Her gentle and simplistic approach, made cooking and learning from you a very attainable goal that I was proud to make!”
Karli Hamad
Mom of two

My program focuses on meals that contain the essential nutrients babies need to grow and THRIVE! So you can have the peace of mind that your baby is getting the right nutrition — whether you or another caregiver is feeding baby.

Through videos and photos you SEE what to prep and HOW to serve it. The comprehensive instructional guides answer all the “in-between” questions around how to feed baby so you can feel confident your baby is learning to eat solids safely.

Since this is a JOURNEY – you KEEP making progress after the course! You will have new cooking skills and kitchen prep hacks that will CONTINUE to save you time in the kitchen. You will also learn how to repurpose leftover ingredients creatively so you don’t throw away money.

“This 3-month meal plan is one of my BEST purchases! It literally made my life easier. It’s like having Min in my kitchen guiding me through this BLW journey! Now I don’t have to stress about what to feed my baby because Min has me covered from her grocery lists, easy to follow recipes, and cooking demos. My daughter is just about the same age as her daughter and watching her eat gave me the confidence to trust my daughter to feed herself.”
Kristine Calaquian
a new mom
“This program has made it easy to cook meals for my baby, husband, and I! We are now eating the same food that he is eating. In addition, my husband and I are exposed to ingredients that we haven’t tried before which has been great! With the meals all planned out, I am able to allocate the time I’d normally spend meal planning for life things such as cleaning, self care, laundry, etc.”
Sheena Fourt
a new mom

Mealtimes will be happier since you won’t have to worry that your baby isn’t eating enough, the right foods, or that they might choke. You can now enjoy your meal and trust that your baby can handle the meals you serve them. As your baby progresses in flavors and textures they will easily transition to eating the exact same meals you feed yourself.

You can gain CONFIDENCE, JOY, peace of mind knowing you are giving your baby the BEST. Ditch the stress you feel now and start experiencing positive happy mealtimes while raising a joyous competent foodie!

If you do this on your own, you might still be:


  • Finding a fridge of slimy produce week after week because your intentions of making selected meals never happened due to lack of time.
  • Throwing out half of your fridge at the end of the week from not knowing how to creatively repurpose leftovers
  • Spending $20-$30 extra a week for convenience foods that only feed baby, instead of finding meals that nourish your whole family.


  • Spending countless hours searching for baby friendly recipes which feels impossible. The ones you find have too many ingredients, take 2 hours to make, or are meals you would not want to even eat.
  • Dashing to the grocery store 3+ times a week picking up last minute ingredients to make dinner


  • From sorting through conflicting information on what to feed your baby
  • Worrying that your baby isn’t getting the right nutrients to grow and thrive
  • You can’t physically keep up with cooking 2 separate meals for everyone in the house, conquering a sink full of dishes, baths…
Your investment

Baby Led Feeding Journey Program

  • 12 week complete grocery list with daily prepping instructions! (value $120)
  • 84+ cooking videos (value $450)
  • 150+ easy, veggie-loaded, delicious meal ideas and recipes for the WHOLE family (value $450)
  • 12 +Instructional guides showing you exactly how to use the program and answering the top baby led weaning questions and concerns so you feel confident in how to guide your baby along the journey (value $199) 
  • Setting the foundation for healthy eating habits and reducing pickiness (PRICELESS!)
  • Lifetime access to course; including all updates (priceless!)
  • Monthly Check-in emails for support ($99)
Value of $1318

Your investment only $199 (or 3 x $67)


  • 3 top selling ecookbooks
  • Essential nutrients for babies and the top food sources for each chart
  • Spice Up Your Veggies and vegetable cooking time charts

Hello, I’m Min!

I’m a Korean registered dietitian and Baby Led Feeding expert who has helped thousands of families confidently feed their babies solids so they can have a strong foundation for healthy eating habits. 

I instill my nutrition knowledge into my passion for cooking to develop EASY, nutritious, and delicious meals for busy families. I’ve crowned myself the queen of one pot cooking (because extra dishes are my worst enemy), and master developer of veggie-loaded snacks and meals that even the pickiest eater will be tempted to give a lick. 

Consider me as a friend with meal ideas who, just like you, is trying to figure out this whole motherhood thing. One thing is certain. All parents need a tribe, and with regards to nutrition, I hope to band all of us together to raise up the next generation of JOYous, mindful eaters!


Do I have to follow the meal plan exactly?

Is it vegetarian-friendly?

My baby already started solids, will this still help me?

What sets this meal plan apart from all the others out there?

Ready for more TIME and CONFIDENCE?

This course has helped HUNDREDS of mamas stop the stress and fatigue of trying to feed their baby healthfully on their own. Those who follow this program share they are HAPPIER and feel more FREE because they aren’t weighed down by the burden of trying to “figure it out” on their own.