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Smoothie Bowl

Did you have breakfast this morning? I hope the answer is yes because you know how I feel about the most important meal of the day! 😉 Back at the beginning of the year (how is it June already?!?), I took on the challenge of varying up my breakfast routine. All the “expremient” really did was reaffirm my creature of habit nature. I ended up going from eating steel cut oats + fruits + nuts to eggs + avocados + toast every day.

So you can see, I go through phases when it comes to breakfast. Now that the weather is consistently in the 80s or above, I just went through my obsession with overnight oats and am starting to get into smoothie bowls again…

Smoothie Bowls

Not familar with the concept of enjoying the quintessential summer drink with a spoon instead of a straw? If you are big on texture like me, this simple guide on how to create a healthy smoothie bowl is just the thing for you! Hop on over to Food Network’s Healthy Eats blog and discover one of the most delicious ways to nourish and cool down your body this summer!

[Tweet “How to make a healthy smoothie bowl @mjandhungryman #breakfast #smoothiebowl “]

And if you’re already a smoothie bowl aficionado, what are your favorite flavor combinations? If you have an awesome recipe either on your blog or from a website, please do share in the comments section below. My blender is out and ready to play ;).

About Min

Thank you so much for stopping by! I am Min, a Registered Dietitian, a Christ follower, a wife, and a mom to our two miracle babies! Currently, I’m having a ton of fun feeding their tummies and sharing our baby led weaning journey! Follow me on Instagram if interested in seeing daily menu as well as tips and tricks.

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  1. Min this is so beautiful!! So… true confession. I only recently started digging smoothies. I AM a texture gal and have for so long just not really wanted to “drink” my calories (unless of course it was a glass of Cab 🙂 But I love how easy smoothies make getting veggies + protein, so I’m thinking this must be my next step!

    1. Thank you, Regan! I know exactly what you mean. I HATE drinking my calories (unless of course it was a glass of wine haha). I drink a smoothie after a good workout, but I definetely find these smoothie bowls more exciting and satisfying 😉

  2. Mmmm, this looks so nourishing, Min! I’ve yet to try a smoothie bowl, but really, I want to. They look soooo good and filling. This is a perfect way for me to do what my Dr. has asked me to do; slow down when you eat.. take your time. So instead of slurping down my smoothie, I neeeed to get into the habit of spooning in my mouth! That berry licious smoothie bowl looks fabulous! Delicious, Min… Thank you!

    1. Thanks, Traci! I, too, am a fast eater and have to consciously remind myself to slow down and chew my food throughly. Can’t wait for you to try these smoothie bowls ;).

  3. I love smoothie bowls, can’t click over to the FN blog fast enough! I LOVE the staging of your second photo, gorgeous, and that cow bowl is adorable 🙂

  4. Eating my breakfast as I type 🙂 Cream of Wheat (trying to purge the cabinets!!) with mashed banana and cashew butter.

    I love using my spoon to eat up thick smoothies – otherwise I end up chugging them too fast!

  5. My husband and son make a smoothie every AM for breakfast. I sent your post his way to see if he’d switch up his routine to smoothie bowls… same goodness but we’ll get our little guy to work on his spoon handling 😉

  6. I love smoothie bowls! Strawberry is always a delish combo and I love topping with nutty and crunchy toppings like a little nut butter, maybe granola, and extra frozen fruit…now I’ve got smoothies on the brain!!

  7. I tend to get stuck in breakfast routines too. I really need to diverge from my english muffin with almond butter. I’ve never tried a smoothie bowl but I think it’s time to try yours!