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For a town so rich in culinary talent, I’ve always wondered why the Korean food here in Austin just doesn’t measure up. Maybe it’s me being overly critical, but for so many years I’ve longed to find a place that could satisfy my frequent cravings. So when I discovered that a new restaurant had opened, I knew we needed to pay them a visit.


Miso offers a variety of Korean and Japanese staples on their menu, as well as a number of signature dishes including bulgogi fajitas and Hawaiian chicken. Portions were large and the lunch specials were a steal! Just check out that spread above!


The dolsot (literally translated “rock pot”) bibimbap came out steaming hot and beautifully assembled. After waiting a few minutes to ensure the formation of a layer of crisp, charred rice, I dove in with my spoon and got to mixing…


I was a little nervous taking that first bite, afraid I’d be disappointed as I’d been so many times before at other Korean eateries, but…it was glorious! All of the individual components were seasoned well and the moisture content of the rice was spot on. I know it may sound like a silly and insignificant factor, but it’s quite the contrary. I think I cleaned out every banchan dish, sipped my soup bowl dry, and even wedged in a couple of slices of seafood pancake (haemul pajeon).


Now, I wish I could be equally positive with regard to MJ’s sushi roll, but I’m afraid that just wasn’t the case. The rice was undercooked and both the salmon and the tuna were unappetizingly pale in color and flavor. However, this did not stop us from making a return visit.



Again, we were impressed with the lunch special, as well as MJ’s spicy seafood & soft tofu soup (seafood soondubu jjigae). We had plenty left over to enjoy later on in the week.


Miso is offering some solid Korean & Japanese dishes and at reasonable prices. I do hope, however, that they’ll staff up and hire some more waiters soon. When we went during the lunch time rush, I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for the one guy working the entire front of the house. Host, waiter, bus boy, cashier…ouch. Luckily, I think the quality food kept the crowd under control.

The thing that really got me, though, was when I saw the door to the kitchen swing open. It was in that moment I realized why the food was so good. Rather than seeing a bunch of hired cooks following recipes, I saw a family working together to prepare and assemble these dishes. They were using what we Koreans call “hand taste.” It’s what moms try to pass on to their daughters, generation after generation. I felt like I was watching a family in the kitchen cooking up a holiday feast, not a restaurant assembly line. I sincerely hope that the crew at Miso don’t lose this special element.

Miso is located at 2400 S. Interstate Hwy 35, Suite #150 in Round Rock, TX 78681

About Min

Thank you so much for stopping by! I am Min, a Registered Dietitian, a Christ follower, a wife, and a mom to our two miracle babies! Currently, Iā€™m having a ton of fun feeding their tummies and sharing our baby led weaning journey! Follow me onĀ InstagramĀ if interested in seeing daily menu as well as tips and tricks.

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  1. I too am so happy for this little addition to the Round Rock scene! I wish there were more Korean offerings up north of 45…how am I going to handle my craving for mul nangmyeon during lunch breaks?!

    Beautiful post!

  2. I almost ate at the Mexican place next to it but something told me to try something new. I Googled the restaurant and pulled up this website while I was in the parking lot and liked what I saw so I went in.
    The food here was absolutely amazing. I had the Mondoo (dumplings) and the dolsot bibimbap. I will definitely be eating here again. Thank you so much for posting this on your website!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! So glad that our review was helpful and even happier that you enjoyed your meal so much. The food here really is something else, and we too will definitely be eating here again. Hope we can help you find some other great dining spots around town.

  3. Great review, Tim! The thought of a family back there cooking together is really appealing. Wish I could sit down and share a meal with you guys šŸ™‚ Sometimes I just want to eat the banchan and rice, I love all the different flavors and textures!!

    1. Banchan and a bowl of snowy white rice is the bomb!! And no joke, Maura…MJ and I were just talking about how we’d love to visit you guys. I know I keep saying this, but one of these days it’s gonna happen…one of these days…
      Hope you and the family are doing well!!

  4. What a lovely addition to your local scene šŸ™‚ What a shame about the sushi roll, but at least the other food was good.

    1. You don’t understand how relieved I was when I realized this was a place that we could frequent. Definitely a positive addition to our restaurant scene.

  5. Wait, whaaaattt???!!! That roll wasn’t glorious even though it looks like utter perfection?! Bummer. :/ But the rest looks amazing. Good thing you guys found a good Korean spot or else I’d imagine MJ would be opening up a restaurant herself, and you probably don’t want to do that at this point. šŸ˜€ And these pictures are great, awesome job you two!

    1. The different colored roe were a nice touch and yes, made for a gorgeous picture, but the roll was definitely subpar. Serious bummer. I’m just happy that I don’t have to drive to Houston every time I want Korean food now. šŸ™‚