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So we finally found the time to make it out to the locally renowned SPIN Modern Thai Cuisine.  We had been meaning to check it out sooner, but with our insane schedules, it just never happened…until now.  We took a couple of photos outside the restaurant and excitedly made our way toward the door.  Sadly, our joy turned to utter dismay when we pulled on the door handles and realized that the place was locked.  Closed.  Forever.  We were confused and quite bummed, but we quickly regrouped and made our way to plan B – Soto.

SotoOpen for about 5 months now, Soto is a higher end Japanese restaurant located in the north part of Austin.  The decor is fresh, modern and tastefully Asian, and as a result, I couldn’t help but feel zen as I dined here.  Our knowledgable waiter Steven, (who had the coolest handlebar mustache, I might add), skillfully delivered the specials and guided us through our menus.  Okay…show of hands.  Who’s heard of white salmon?  Anyone??  As intrigued as I was by this delicacy which apparently occurs in only 2% of the world’s salmon population, I couldn’t justify the price tag that came with it and I’m not even the frugal one in the duo.  Let’s just say that I could enjoy a Mighty Fine cheeseburger, fries and a drink for the cost of 2 pieces.  Sorry I often think in the currency of burger :).  Oops…where was I?  Ahh yes…onto the food!


We both started with the miso soup and house salad.  A pretty standard way to open a meal at a Japanese restaurant.  The greens (and all the veggies for that matter) in the salad were crisp and refreshing.  No old or wilted leaves could be found – huge plus!  The miso soup was equally light and not overly salty as some tend to be.


MJ, craving something light and delicate, went with the Sushi and Maki Deluxe Lunch – chef’s choice of sushi (3 pcs), vegetable tempura, crispy shumai, and California maki.  The presentation was absolutely beautiful.  The rolls and sushi pieces were a little smaller than ones she’s had before, but they did not lack in flavor by any means.  In fact, MJ declared the piece of tuna to be life-changing – the best piece of sushi she’s ever had.


I’m a huge fan of sushi, but on this day, I couldn’t help be drawn to a particular item on the menu…Katsu Don.  I don’t know what it is about this dish, but there’s just something comforting about it and almost always satisfies.  What’s not to like about a deep-fried pork cutlet served atop a bed of sushi rice with veggies sauteed in egg?  Soto’s version was almost too pretty to eat.  Adorned with vibrant-colored pickled veggies, the dish was masterfully assembled.  The flavors were clean, not muddled and fancier than what I’m used to.  As much as I appreciated the katsu don, sadly it was not the comfort dish I had hoped for.  It was…hmmm…too nice?  Luckily, we ordered a Rainbow Maki to share…


It’s clear that Soto is committed to using quality ingredients for their contemporary Japanese menu.  Everything tasted incredibly fresh and bursting with flavor.  The artistry of each dish was undeniable.  We hope to return soon and indulge in more of their melt-in-your-mouth sushi.  Maybe some white salmon??  I’ve also got my eye on their Black Pork Gyoza :).

About Min

Thank you so much for stopping by! I am Min, a Registered Dietitian, a Christ follower, a wife, and a mom to our two miracle babies! Currently, I’m having a ton of fun feeding their tummies and sharing our baby led weaning journey! Follow me on Instagram if interested in seeing daily menu as well as tips and tricks.

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  1. I don’t know how this place would rank with some of the upper echelon sushi places around town, but it’s definitely worth a try, especially at lunch time when you can try things at discounted prices off of their lunch menu.

  2. All of the food looks delicious. Now I wish I was in Austin so I could stop by. If I am ever there, I’ll definitely have to look for this place!

    PS, love your cheeseburger currency bit. Too funny!

  3. I have never had life changing tuna before. I’m filled with tuna envy.

    That last photo had me swooning.

    1. I’ve never had life-changing tuna before, either. MJ wasn’t in the mood to share…although I guess it’d be difficult to share a little piece of sushi :).

  4. This looks like such a great place – good Japanese is excellent and it makes the average variety seem like a different cuisine altogether 🙂

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more. When the chef is truly skilled, it’s amazing to see how they are able to elevate the dining experience.

  5. Oh nooo I’ve been craving sushi like crazy and now I kinda gotta have some! Great dishes, and although I’d be getting sushi at a restaurant like that the katsu don looks mighty delicious!

    1. Hey, Ellie! Sorry to have invigorated your sushi craving. I hate it when I crave something and can’t satisfy it in a timely manner. In hindsight, I probably should’ve gotten a couple rolls or a mixed sushi plate, but katsu don is just one of those dishes that I love to order. Hope you get to satisfy your craving soon! 🙂