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Blog Brûlée

Time sure flies when you’re having fun, and this past weekend was no exception. “I’m attending Blog Brûlée!” I had been exclaiming for the past couple of months, and now that it’s over, I find myself hesitantly crossing the event off of my calendar. I ate some pretty amazing food, stayed at the exquisite Smugglers’ Notch resort where I was treated like royalty, enjoyed gorgeous views and crisp weather… you get the picture. (Disclosure: my attendance was partially paid for by the sponsors of Blog Brûlée). 

I shall share the details and the scenic pictures soon, but until then, get ready to see a lot of smiling faces ;).

Blog BrûléeThe co-founders (from left to right): Gretchen, Deanna, Robin, Regan

To be quite honest, I was overcome with intimidation and nervousness up until the very moment I met everyone (to those I shook hands with..I apologize for my clammy hands), but all the uneasy feelings swiftly changed to relaxation and cheerfulness. “Maybe I belong here” changed to “I Do belong here” by the end of the weekend.

Yes, we were there to have fun and be “wild” (hitting the hay by 10 pm), but more importantly, we were there to learn from the speakers and from each other on how to become better bloggers and become a force to be reckoned with in the blogosphere and beyond. To do so, we’ll need each other to lean on, support, motivate, and even help grow thick skin with brutal honesty that comes from a place of genuine love.

Blog Brûlée(Anne // Liz, Meme  – my roomies)

EA Stewart, the Spicy RD, spoke to us about “building your virtual community.” I loved how she premised her talk around sharing the timeline of how her blog started and has evolved over the years.

The pieces of advice that really resonated with me were:

  • Work hard. Just like with everything else in life, success doesn’t happen overnight. All those “big fish” or hugely successful bloggers, that I constantly compare myself to, were also small at one point. I loved EA’s imagery that big or small, we are all swimming in the same pond. So I’m going to start by ditching my self-debilitating thoughts and begin practicing gratitude like Kara. I’m going to work on building up my confidence and keep on truckin’.
  • Set realistic goals. I tell myself that my faith and family come before anything else. However, between school, cooking, blogging, etc., I’ve realized that the two most important things in my life have taken a backseat. No wonder I’ve been feeling so bogged down lately. I learned that it’s ok if I can’t post 3+ times a week or if I’m not on top of social media at all times. I must find what works for me and, once again, stop comparing myself to others.
  • Toot your own horn. Boy…this is a rough one for me. But going back to the whole building my confidence thing, I’m going to make a conscious effort to create and share, as EA put it, my “star studded” profile and work. I’m def going to need some accountability!

Blog Brûlée

(Rachel, Meme)

  • Express and be yourself! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought to myself, “Gosh, why can’t I write like her? My style of writing is so boring…” and on and on. As you can see, I’d have so many more hours in my day if comparison was not part of the equation. “But I love your voice,” I vividly remember Marisa telling me as I shared with her my struggles. Come again? Really? This is just one of many examples of the overflow of encouragement and strength I gained from this weekend. I’m going to work on following my instinct, embracing what I consider an approachable, friendly voice.
  • Share the love. 80/20 rule – 80% of the time, share other people’s content and 20% share mine. I’ll be quick to admit that I’ve been incredibly bad about this, but no more! I want to follow the footsteps of EA, who to me is like a social media fairy godmother. She waves her magic wand every time I post something so that its reach may be multiplied.

Blog Brûlée(Marisa, Diane, Kylie)

Blog Brûlée

 (left to right: Kara, Mckenzie, Danielle, Kristina)

Blog Brûlée

(ladies not mentioned above: left to right – Jenna, Julie, Holly, Ashley, Jen, Ann)

I’m truly thankful for this amazingly passionate and supportive community that I’m a part of, and I hope that we’ll be swimming in the same pond until we’re too big and fat to move..even then, I hope we stay together ;). 

About Min

Thank you so much for stopping by! I am Min, a Registered Dietitian, a Christ follower, a wife, and a mom to our two miracle babies! Currently, I’m having a ton of fun feeding their tummies and sharing our baby led weaning journey! Follow me on Instagram if interested in seeing daily menu as well as tips and tricks.

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  1. Loved reading this! Brings back all of the memories. Even though we didn’t get a chance to speak as much as I would have liked, I hope that I’ll be seeing you in the future at other events and of course, keeping up online!

    1. Aww I truly enjoyed our time together, and I, too, look forward to meeting you again in the near future! Hope you’re doing well!

  2. Min, Love, love, love this post. From reading your blog posts, I know you are a dietitian that truely has a passion for what you do! When I met you at the blog brulee you confirmed my ‘first impression thoughts of you from social media interaction’: Gentle & Kind. Don’t lose that.

  3. LOVE this post Min, and I am honored to add a new title to my resume, “Social Media Fairy Godmother” 🙂 It was truly wonderful to finally meet you in person, and your sparkling personality, and “down-to-earthness” comes across beautifully in your blog posts! I hope we can meet again soon!

  4. I’ve written and rewritten this comment about 5 times… I am SO incredibly happy that we were able to connect this weekend. Blog Brûlée was beyond amazing, and you were the perfect travel companion/shuttle buddy/roommate – plus Liz, of course 🙂
    You are a beauty both inside and out, and I look forward to growing our careers {in whatever direction that may be haha} together. You are the best

  5. Unnie, I loved this post and thank you for sharing such huge tips and realizations. I can’t emphasize enough how hard it is to find a voice in writing….it’s like, literally re-living high school, but much more fun of course. 😀 I have to tell you that I’ve always loved your approachable and relate-able voice! It’s not over the top in which I get lost in the frills of crazy adjectives, and it’s definitely advanced at the same time. All that to say, it’s fun to read, simple to follow, and very sweet. <3

  6. Min! This is wonderful! I wished I lived in the States too where there are so many blogger events to attend and meet like-minded people who you can grow together with! Glad you had fun! And thnaks for sharing your experience with us. 🙂 Sending love!

    p.s you have a great writing voice and I love it! don’t compare yourself with others because its what makes you special – I’m trying not to compare to, so I understand what you mean!

    1. Are there not many bloggers where you are? You should totally organize something hehe. And thank you for your continuous love and support, Felicia! It truly means a lot.

  7. Min, I knew when I met you at FNCE last year that you were a rockstar and that we would meet again. And what a fabulous weekend to share. Already looking forward to our next rendezvous!

    1. You’re too kind, Janice! I don’t think you should be throwing around a word like “rockstar” just anywhere. For you, however, totally appropriate ;). Yes, I can’t wait to see you again! Hopefully sooner than later

  8. Min, you are a great writer and overall blogger!! You are inspiring in so many ways. I think I compare myself to others way too often and I know that needs to stop. I am learning so much in the process and know that hard work pays off. The strong sense of community and support from this blogging world keeps me going! Blog Brulee looks like a fabulous event with some great people 🙂

    1. Wow! Thank you so much, Alanna for your words of encouragement! And yes, having a solid community is so important. I’m so thankful that we connected! Let’s def keep each other accountable ;).

  9. I’m so glad I met you at Blog Brûlée; you were an awesome roommate. BUT … I don’t believe you went to bed at 10pm. Hmmmm! I too feel motivated and inspired after being at the event, and I look forward to sharing everyone’s posts and accomplishments in the days ahead 🙂

    1. Haha I meant every night we parted ways at 10..but I may have stayed up a lil’ extra talking to Meme ;). And I was so bummed out that I didn’t get to do face mask with you, which I specifically brought to share with my roomies :(. Next time! You are truly an inspiration to let the stalking begin!