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Happy Friday!!

This post is going to be quite different from my usual “here’s a recipe, I hope you try it” posts. I didn’t even know how to title it! You see, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about what this blog means to me and where I see it going. About 2 1/2 years ago, I started blogging under the domain “Savor the Rainbow” (anyone still following me from back then?), and as I reflect, I realize how much my lil’ space on the web has changed.

Sure my collection of recipes has grown and my food photography has improved drastically (lots of dedicated time for sure), but somewhere along the way, I lost my voice. After much pondering, I came to the realization that while I used to love writing about my thoughts and how I do life, as the number of visitors on my site increased, so did my insecurities and self-consciousness. As long as I only shared recipes, I was “safe.” Safe from what? That I haven’t exactly figured out yet. Perhaps judgement? Loss of followers? I want everyone to like me! (The Hungryman is rolling his eyes right now).

Don’t get me wrong. I love to cook and show people how easy and delicious healthy meals are, but I also don’t want to be just another food blog. Some of my favorite bloggers are those that are authentic and relatable, and I desire to develop that kind of relationship with you all.

So I’ve decided… I’m returning back to the beginning when I used to share openly about my life – fertility issues, my 4-legged best friend Kona, recent travels, etc. It sure was fun for me to read through all these old posts!

From this point on, you’ll find me sharing more about my daily happenings, eats, fitness routine, meal planning, spirituality, struggles, etc. Also as a registered dietitian, I’d love to share with you up-to-date nutrition tips and advice and what my approach to eating and well-being looks like.

It’s time to get real ;). Hope you guys are ready for it.

What will remain the same is there will always be pictures of food because that’s just what I do 😉

My recent eats…

Salmon + salad with cilantro dressing

 Microwaved Simple Smoked Paprika Salmon // Regan Jones @ Healthy Aperture Blog
Salad with Cilantro Dressing //Deanna @ Teaspoon of Spice

Grilled Cheese with Roasted Chickpea and Cauliflower Soup

 Vegan chickpea and cauliflower soup w/grilled cheese

Slow Cooker Beef Tacos

 Slow Cooker Beef Tacos // adapted from Lindsay @ Pinch of Yum’s Skinny Chicken Enchiladas.

I was too lazy to fill, roll, and bake the corn tortillas so I simply put all the ingredients she suggested (used beef instead of chicken) into the slow cooker and served it with some cheese, guacamole, and cilantro. We enjoyed the leftovers for days! To keep it exciting, I served it over rice (reminded us of a Chipotle burrito bowl) as well as a bed of greens.

 Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I’m going to spend it with my family in Houston. My little nephew is turning 3!!! What?!?! Stop growing…

About Min

Thank you so much for stopping by! I am Min, a Registered Dietitian, a Christ follower, a wife, and a mom to our two miracle babies! Currently, I’m having a ton of fun feeding their tummies and sharing our baby led weaning journey! Follow me on Instagram if interested in seeing daily menu as well as tips and tricks.

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  1. My dear Min, I’m so glad I came across this post – I think it takes a whole lot of honesty to share what you feel and are going through, and sometimes as readers increase, there’s the added pressure of sharing only what our readers would enjoy or share on social media.

    Like you said, it’s easy to lose our voice in this sea of food bloggers, and I’ll tell you this – don’t ever lose your uniqueness. You are a beautiful, amazing person, with talent and strength, and your voice and personal thoughts are what make you unique, and why I love reading your posts – there’s warmth, sincerity and love emanating from each post.

    Thanks for reminding me how important it is to hold onto our “voice”. Sending you plenty of love.

  2. So glad you wrote this – I totally remember you from the Savor The Rainbow days and while I’m always drawn in by your recipes and photos, you have a wonderful voice that really makes your blog come to life – and makes you so personable and relatable. So writing about what you want will definitely resonate with your readers (at least with this reader!)

  3. I can’t wait to read all of these stories about you! I feel like you have such a clear voice already Min, so I’m excited for what else is in store. PS. Everyone DOES like you;)

  4. I think this is a struggle of every blogger, but I know for me, my favorite posts are always the ones where I am using my “real voice” instead of the ones where I say what I think everyone will like… Can’t wait to see how your blog will continue to grow! I love your recipes!

  5. Yayyyy unnie!!! I was wondering if you would come back to sharing more personal posts. 😀 I understand how challenging it can be when trying to balance recipes, life, and reflective topics. I struggle with it myself and constantly “evolving” to become a better blogger in that sense. 🙂

  6. I’m still following you from Savor the Rainbow days and am really glad you’re going to bring back more personal content 🙂 I adore all of your recipes too, and your photographs are stunning, but I enjoyed the insights into Min you used to share and will be delighted to have them return.