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Is your child getting enough fiber? Here are the best fiber rich foods to add to your baby and child’s diet to keep their digestive system running smoothly!

a six image collage showing meal ideas for constipation.
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Health Benefits of Fiber

We know that eating more fiber is good for us. But why? I don’t know about you, but for the longest time I associated fiber with helping go to the bathroom.

It is so important in helping with infant constipation as well as toddler constipation.

But dietary fiber offers so many additional benefits, like helping to protect against many diseases, including type 2 diabetes , cardiovascular disease, obesity, and colon cancer.

And if we go even deeper, we now know that consuming a fiber-rich diet helps encourage healthy gut microbiota (oftentimes referred to as the “forgotten organ”).

It’s basically a fancy word for the trillions of microorganisms that live in our digestive tracts, and dietary fiber helps these guys to thrive and flourish.

A healthy gut leads to stronger immunity as the beneficial microbes will help fight harmful pathogens and will aid in optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

What is Dietary fiber?

It is a part of whole plant foods that your body can’t break down. And rather than being broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream, fiber passes through the entire digestive tract relatively unchanged.  

Here are the two types:

Soluble Fiber

a two image collage showing best food sources for soluble fiber.

 This type of fiber dissolves in water and turns into this thick gel-like substance in your intestines. It SLOWS DOWN digestive transit time, which helps:

  1. slow digestion and control blood sugar levels
  2. lower cholesterol level by binding with cholesterol and bile acids  (made from cholesterol) in small intestine and eliminating them from the body
  3. Support the growth of good bacteria in the gut
  4. Helps relieve diarrhea by absorbing excess water in the colon

Best Food Sources

Insoluble Fiber

a two image collage showing top food sources of insoluble fiber.

Think of this type of fiber as a sponge. Instead of dissolving in water, it absorbs water and swells as it pass through the digestive system, which helps soften and bulk up stools.

It also helps SPEED UP the movement of food and waste. All this to say, it’s helpful in relieving constipation.

Best Food Sources

Insoluble fiber is concentrated in the protective outer layers of whole grains, stalks, seeds, and skins of fruits and vegetables.

  • Whole grains (like oatmeal, quinoa)
  • Wheat bran
  • Fruits (with peel on) – a quick note about banana. While unripe banana is NOT recommended if constipated, ripe bananas can provide relief!
  • Vegetables (particularly leafy greens)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans, peas, lentils

As you can see most foods contain both types of fiber, but in different proportions. You need BOTH for optimal health.

Fiber Recommendations

  • There are no specifics for babies – focus on offering a wide variety of foods
  • Children 1-3 years: 19 grams/day
  • Children 4-8 years: 25 grams/day
  • Moms and dads (including here to encourage you to enjoy fiber-rich foods with your child!): 25 grams/day for women, 38 grams/day for men

A general idea of the amount of fiber found in foods:

  • Grains (1/2 cup cooked): 2-4 grams
  • Beans and lentils (1/2 cup cooked): 6-9.5 grams
  • Whole grain pasta (1/2 cup cooked): 2-4 grams
  • A slice of whole grain bread: 2-4 grams
  • Vegetables (1/2 cup cooked): 2-4 grams
  • Fruits (1 medium): 2-4 grams. These two are particularly high!
    • Berries (1 cup): 6-8 grams
    • Pear (1 medium): 6 grams
    • Avocado (1 small): 9 grams
  • Nuts (1/4 cup): 2-3 grams
  • Seeds (1 tablespoon ground): 2-4 grams

Tips to incorporate more fiber

  • Add fiber slowly as too much fiber at once may cause digestive discomfort.
  • Be sure to offer plenty of water (for babies, continue offering breastmilk/formula, which will provide all the fluids they need. It is ok to offer a little water but no more than 2 ounces per day). 
  • Serve vegetables and/or fruit with every snack and meal.
  • Eat more pulses (beans, lentils, peas). They can easily be added to your meals. Also try pasta made from these ingredients. Thankfully, there are so many options now, like Banza.
  • Eat raw fruits and vegetables (with the skins), not juice, which doesn’t contain any fiber.
  • Enjoy a wide variety of whole foods.
  • When purchasing processed foods, check:
    •  the ingredient list – make sure the whole grain is the first or second ingredient on the list.
    •  the nutrition label – choose ones with at least 3 grams of dietary fiber and isn’t loaded with sugar.

Fiber-rich meal ideas for Babies and Toddlers

Refer to the list above for the top fiber-rich foods. I am going a step further and providing you with easy meal ideas that incorporate these foods.


It’s such a great vehicle for all kinds of toppings, both sweet and savory!

Add fruits, vegetables, even beans and lentils! Also sprinkle some nuts and/or seeds.

yogurt bowl with beets, second bowl with broccoli and peanut butter, and the third bowl with pumpkin puree and oatmeal.
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Easy Yogurt Ideas for Babies

Yogurt bowls are easy to make and a great way to make every bite count for babies and toddlers. Feel free to add whatever add-ins you wish!
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a six image collage showing different ways of offering oatmeal to babies.

Oatmeal is such a wonderful vehicle for introducing a wide variety of flavors and textures to your baby and kids! If you’ve never tried adding vegetables before, give it a try!!

four oatmeals shaped into balls and plated on a white plate
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Homemade Baby Oatmeal

Learn how to cook the perfect oatmeal for baby. It's easy, fast, and customizable! Serve as is or as a finger food, baby led weaning style.
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three sliced baked oatmeal stacked on top of each other
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Savory Baked Oatmeal with Vegetables

This savory baked oatmeal is so easy to make and a great way to enjoy vegetables for breakfast! Perfect for baby led weaning and lunchboxes.
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Whole Grains

a six image collage showing different ways to serve whole grains to babies.

Try experimenting with other whole grains, like farro, wheat berries, barley, quinoa, millet, etc. It will be a great flavor and texture exposure as well!

a six image collage with examples of how to serve quinoa to babies.
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How to cook quinoa for babies

Quinoa is one of the best first foods for babies! Here's how to cook it perfectly every single time as well as some healthy and easy serving suggestions.
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Cook a large batch of lentils for the week and add all kinds of nutritious toppings for variety!

4 unique combinations of lentils for babies
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Lentils for babies

Get all your burning questions about serving lentils to your baby answered. Here are tips and EASY recipes to boost your baby's iron levels.
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Chia puddings

My number one go to when my kids are constipated. Works like a charm every time!

collage of six puddings
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Single Serve Chia Puddings for Babies and Kids

Single serve chia seed pudding for babies 6 months and up is the perfect make ahead breakfast or snack that you can whip up in under 5 minutes!
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Toast or Sandwiches

six easy toasts each plated on a white platee

Start with whole grain bread and go either sweet or savory.

For babies, here’s a collection of unique toast ideas!

For toddlers, here are some sandwiches to try:

Fiber Shake

Made with high-fiber ingredients, like raspberries, oats, and chia seeds, this fiber shake is an easy way to keep your and your child’s tummies happy and on track.


Opt for whole grain or legume based pasta whenever possible.

Toss with veggie-loaded sauces like:

Baked goods

About Min

Thank you so much for stopping by! I am Min, a Registered Dietitian, a Christ follower, a wife, and a mom to our two miracle babies! Currently, I’m having a ton of fun feeding their tummies and sharing our baby led weaning journey! Follow me on Instagram if interested in seeing daily menu as well as tips and tricks.

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